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"I would enthusiastically recommend Life at Play to anyone
looking for fun and energy in their public or staff event."
- Director of Mercy Marketing and Communications 

Eric Riess
Vafa Foroughi

Eric Riess, CEO and Co-Founder. Eric is a Certified Public Accountant and a Franchise Advisor and Attorney. He heads up one of the largest legal franchise practices in the United States. Eric has Big Eight (KPMG Peat Marwick) and Fortune 500 (Mid-America Dairymen) accounting, finance and business experience and has been advising businesses, both franchised and non-franchised, in growth and brand expansion, since 1984. He is a founder and Board Member of the Franchise Broker’s Association (the only trade association for franchise brokers) and is a founder and Board Member of Franchise Athletes, an organization created to introduce franchising to professional athletes. He and his lovely wife, Jill, have four children, three girls and a boy.

Vafa Foroughi, President and Co-Founder. Vafa is an entrepreneur and a physician who has started a number of successful ventures. Vafa has established a number of medical practices, runs a successful real estate business, and has experience in the food franchise sector. Vafa has a background in science and engineering and is a major technical contributor to Life at Play’s state-of-the-art equipment. Vafa is an amateur artist and his paintings and wood sculptures have been sold to various art owners and displayed at numerous art venues. His passion for form and style brings a creative flair to Life at Play. He and his wife of 25 years have two children.

Vahid Kazerooni, Consultant. Vahid is the Managing Partner of an IT company. Since 1985, he has been focused on providing computer technology solutions to Fortune 1000 companies. He has extensive experience in marketing, sales and implementation of technology solutions, including photography related solutions, to large national one-hour photo and portrait studio provider networks. His clients have included Fox Photo, CPI Photo, Sears Portrait Studios and Picture People. Vahid has many years of experience in developing processes and efficiencies to achieve seamless national support of complex multi-vendor systems. Vahid and his wife, Lynn, have three daughters.

Copyright © 2011 Life at Play 2275 Cassens Drive Suite 130 St. Louis, MO 63026 | Toll Free: 855-GOEVENT | Office: 314-259-1359 | Fax 855-463-8368